Do you have a best practice, case study or solution to offer ASHHRA members? Share your expertise in the healthcare HR field by presenting a webinar. ASHHRA offers healthcare-specific education sought after by healthcare HR professionals across the continuum of care.
ASHHRA webinars run 60 minutes in length and are promoted to the entire ASHHRA audience (members and non-members).
Reach approximately 11,000 healthcare professionals!

Sponsored Educational Webinar
Sponsor provides the educational topic, presentation, and speaker for this 60-minute educational webinar
ASHHRA will host the webinar, promote it, and drive registrations
Sponsor receives the registration list with organization name, contact name, title, and physical mailing address
Materials Submission Contact:
Megan Lebo
Sponsored Research Webinar
Sponsor can present the findings of their research through a 60-minute webinar. You provide the speaker, research topic, and content.
ASHHRA will host the webinar, promote it, and drive registrations
Sponsor receives the registration list with organization name, contact name, title, and physical mailing address
ASHHRA will co-brand the research piece and push this content to our members
Materials Submission Contact:
Megan Lebo
Suggested research topics ASHHRA members are interested in:
Jobs Market
Retirement Market
Workplace Violence
Sponsorship Benefits
Post Webinar
Inclusion of sponsor’s logo with link to sponsor’s website and message from the sponsor (up to 100 words) in post webinar feedback survey email to registrants.
Sponsor may provide up to three questions to be included in post-webinar feedback survey. (Optional)
Sponsor receives feedback survey results.
Mailing addresses of registrants provided to sponsor.
Email addresses of registrants are NOT included.
Additional Sponsorship Details
Sponsored webinar will be offered complimentary to ASHHRA members and non-members.
The webinar will be recorded and copyrighted by ASHHRA and made available on ASHHRA On-Demand Education platforms.
Webinar content must fit with the ASHHRA educational calendar and be approved by ASHHRA and the Learning and Education Committee
Presentations delivered by an HR practitioner will yield greater attendance and is strongly recommended.
Sponsor identifies a topic aligned with the educational schedule and provides the presenter(s). Inclusion of at least one practitioner strongly preferred. Up to three (3) presenters per webinar and up to two (2) assistants can assist during presentation.
ASHHRA will manage webinar logistics, including marketing, registration, communication, production and facilitation.
Sponsor logo and link to sponsor’s website included on ASHHRA marketing materials.
​Optional: Provide up to three (3) polling questions for webinar audience. Polling questions must be submitted to ASHHRA ahead of webinar."
Sponsor Commitment to ASHHRA
$5,000 for a 60-minute webinar through the ASHHRA webinar platform.
Webinar content fits within educational calendar and must be approved by ASHHRA.
Presentation must be education-focused and noncommercial, delivering a best practice, resource or solution.
Webinar content, Sponsor Agreement form, sponsor logo and presenter headshot(s), and 100-word “message from sponsor” provided at least six weeks in advance of scheduled webinar for suitable marketing time, continuing education requirements and facilitation of logistics.
PowerPoint presentation must be in ASHHRA-provided template and final version submitted to ASHHRA no less than one week before live webinar. ASHHRA template includes sponsor logo.
Payments are non-refundable.
Other Provisions
Webinar will be copyrighted by ASHHRA; no license to the content is granted to the sponsor. Sponsors/speakers do not receive the recording.
All communications to registrants must come from ASHHRA.
ASHHRA provides continuing education credit for educational offerings. ASHHRA will provide applicable program codes to participants upon completion of post-webinar feedback survey. All program codes are property of ASHHRA and to be distributed by ASHHRA only.
As ASHHRA webinars are non-commercial forums, the direct promotion of products and services is prohibited.
The presenter/sponsor will refrain from overt statements, harsh language or pointed humor that disparages the rightful dignity and social equity of any individual or group.
The sponsor/presenter is responsible for adhering to the timeline provided and the guidelines for submission outlined in this document. Webinar will be canceled or rescheduled by ASHHRA if deemed necessary.
Agreement to Terms of Use and ASHHRA Privacy Policy by submitting this form.