Maximize your conference experience by connecting with ASHHRA attendees as a sponsor of one of many conference events, educational sessions, and program activities. Each sponsorship offers unique visibility and benefits that are the perfect complement to your business objectives.
Sponsorship Options
Sponsorship Packages

Platinum Sponsor $30,000
10x10 booth space (additional 10x10 booth available for $3,800 each)
Exclusive Sponsor Activation:
Choose one EXCLUSIVE sponsor activation (see options to the left)
One 60-minute learning session to present educational content
Branding Opportunities:
Company logo featured on on-site signage, program guide, conference website, general session slides, and mobile app
Additional Benefits:
Tote bag insert
Two additional full conference registrations
Full-page color ad in the digital program guide in the app
Inclusion in the Search for Solutions (sponsor needs to provide the prize)
One mobile app push notification
Company photo with ASHHRA leadership
Invitation to join the ASHHRA President’s/Board Happy Hour
Post-Conference Benefits:
Post-conference eblast sent to all ASHHRA Conference attendees
One-time use of the pre-show and post-show attendee mailing list (no phone numbers or emails included)